Private – Public Partnership on the Formation of the Intellectual Property Market of Russia and CIS

1. The Republican Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property (RSRIIP) – is the only specialised scientific organisation in Russia on the matters of Intellectual Property, and was established in 2005 by the joint decision of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation with the participation of RAS. The Supervisory Board and Academic Council of the Institute are headed by the Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Academician of RAS S.M. Aldoshin, the Director of the Institute – the Doctor of Laws, Professor V.N. Lopatin.

RSRIIP is an expert organisation of the Chambers of Parliament of Russia, CIS and European Union (within the project “Tempus” (since 2009), an expert organisation of courts, investigation agencies bodies and agency in charge of preliminary investigation, Office of Public Prosecutor and Customs when protecting intellectual rights.

In 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2016 yy., RSRIIP was recognised as the laureate of the All-Russian Competition on the best scientific organisation in Russia, with the award of the Gold Medal by the decision of the Council at the head of the Nobel winner the Academician of RAS Zh.I. Alferov, and the Director of RSRIIP was granted the Mark of Honour “The Scientist of the Year”.

Services provided by RSRIIP completely meet requirements of the Quality Management System Standard ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001: 2015) as evidenced by the certificate of conformity of quality management system in relation to rendering services in the fields of science, law, economics, education, culture on issues of Intellectual Property to requirements ISO 9001-2015 (reg № RUSEXP-RU-000133 with the validity period December 31st , 2020 - December 31st, 2023).

2. Fund for Innovative Development of the Intellectual Property Market;

3. LLC ‘‘RSRIIP-Moscow’’;

4. The International Association of Intellectual Property Institutes (“IAIPI”) - a membership based non-profit organisation, representing the union of organisations from Russia and foreign countries with the participation of RSRIIP in order to coordinate scientific, research, educational and other activities in the sphere of Intellectual Property (the headquaters – RSRIIP).

5. International Innovative Nanotechnology Centre of CIS (InINCIS) a membership based non-profit organisation, established  to assist its members in the implementation of the integration of research, education and innovations in the field of nanotechnology, since 2012 - the basic organisation of the CIS (RSRIIP is the only Russian co-founder).

6. National and Interstate Technical Committee on standardization “Intellectual Property” (TC – 481/ITC – 550) – is a voluntary association of government bodies, enterprises and organisations to carry out activities in the field of national, interstate and international standardization in the sphere of Intellectual Property. TC – 481 is the only technical committee on Intellectual Property in Eurasia. Secretariat of TC - 481 and ITC – 550 is provided by RSRIIP.

7. The Arbitration Court of Intellectual Property at Corporation RSRIIP is the independent constantly operating Arbitration Court, formed by the decision of Board of Directors of Corporation RSRIIP of August 27th, 2012 in accordance with the Federal Law “On Arbitration Courts in the Russian Federation” for the effective and complete resolution of particular disputes in the sphere of Intellectual Property, protection of rights and legal interests of rightholders in the sphere of copyright and related rights, patent rights, rights on know-how and means of individualisation (trade marks, commercial designations, trade names).

The Arbitration Court of Intellectual Property is the first and the only specialised arbitration court in Russia in the sphere of Intellectual Property. The structure of arbitrators includes ones of the best scientists, specialists and practicians on all subsections of the Intellectual Property Law. RSRIIP provides the activities of the secretariat of the Arbitration Court (e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

The Chairman of the Arbitration Court of Intellectual Property is Ivan Aleksandrovich Zenin, the head of the scientific and research department of legal protection of Intellectual Property, RSRIIP, Distinguished Professor of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, a member of the International Association of Intellectual Property (ATRIP, Geneva), editor-in-chief of “The Intellectual Property Law” journal (stamped, HAC), the Doctor of Laws, Professor.
 The Corporation RSRIIP guarantees that upon inclusion of a small clause about the Arbitration Court, you will reliably protect your rights and can defend your Intellectual Property in a civilised manner in case of ill-disposed infringements or disputes.

The recommended text of the Arbitration stipulation is:

“All disputes, disagreements and claims, arising from the present Contract (Agreement) or in connection with it, including concerning its performance, breach, termination or nullity thereof, shall be settled by the Arbitration Court of Intellectual Property at the Corporation of Intellectual Property, RSRIIP in accordance with its Provision and Regulations”.

8. Association Judicial Expertise of Intellectual Property («АJEIP») - a membership based non-profit organisation to represent general, including professional interests of its members of the Association and coordinate their activities in the field of scientific, research and educational activities on the organisation and carrying out the examination on the issues of Intellectual Property (headquarters - RSRIIP). 

9. Personnel training. RSRIIP together with leading universities and research centers. 2009 – Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; 2010 – nominated for the award Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and techniques; 2013 – diploma for the best innovative project of Moscow.

10. The legal education. RSRIIP is the founder and publishes an annual report "On the State of the Legal Safeguard, Use and Protection of Intellectual Property in the Russian Federation" (since 2007), holds an annual international Forum "The Innovation Development through the Market of Intellectual Property", publishes federal scientific journals (printed and electronic format), stamped HAC: "The Intellectual Property Law" and "The Information Law" (since 2005).

11. Depositing of scientific discoveries and scientific works RSRIIP acts jointly with federal universities and the Russian Academy of Sciences as the organiser of the depositary of scientific discoveries and scientific works in order to raise the level of their legal protection as the Intellectual Property objects.

We invite you to cooperation!

2012 Structure of RSRIIP - Republican Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property (RSRIIP). © RSRIP