Interstate Technical Committee on standardization “Intellectual Property” (ITC-550)

Field of activity of ITC-550

Development of interstate standards, work on their harmonization with international and regional standards, application of international and regional standards, as well as national standards of developed countries and other work in the field of interstate standardization in order to solve the problems of formation and development of the intellectual property market, improvement of the system of state control and management in this area.

The main tasks and functions of ITC "Intellectual Property":

  • preparation of proposals for the formation of interstate standardization programs for the field of activity and objects of standardization assigned to the ITC;
  • consideration of proposals for the application of international, regional and national standards at the interstate level in the field of activities assigned to the ITC;
  • organization of the development of interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization related to the field of activity of the ITC (hereinafter – ND);
  • consideration of draft interstate standards and draft amendments to interstate standards, as well as their submission for adoption in accordance with the procedure established in GOST 1.2;
  • participation in the work carried out by similar technical committees (subcommittees) of international organizations for standardization;
  • periodic inspection of the ND assigned to the ITC in order to identify the need to update or cancel them;
  • consideration of proposals on the abolition of ND assigned to the ITC, as well as cases of unilateral termination of the use of ND in the States parties to the Agreement;
  • consideration of draft international standards in the field of activity assigned to the ITC and preparation of a unified position of the ITC member States when voting on these projects;
  • consideration of proposals for the development of international standards, including on the basis of interstate standards assigned to the ITC;
  • cooperation with the ITC in related fields of activity in order to carry out joint work on interstate and international standardization or coordination of these works.

In addition to the main tasks, the ITC also solves the following tasks:

  • conducting an examination of official translations into Russian of international and regional standards, national standards and codes of rules of foreign states in the field of activity assigned to the ITC;
  • assistance in improving the efficiency of standardization work in order to solve the problems of the formation of the intellectual property market, its stimulation, improvement of the system of state control and management in this area;
  • cooperation with enterprises, organizations and other interested structures.



Interstate Technical Committee on standardization 550

Number of Technical Committee (IТC)


Title of IТC

Intellectual Property

Organization, providing the secretariat of IТC

Autonomous non-governmental organization «Republican Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property» (RSRIIP)

Address of the secretariat of ITC

18, Unnatov 127083, Moscow, Russia.

Chairman of ITC

Lopatin Vladimir Nikolaevich – Scientific Supervisor (Director) of RSRIIP, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

Executive secretary of ITC

Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Martynov, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Scope of activities of ITC

According to codes of Russian classification of standards:




Company organization and management




Patents. Intellectual propety


Protection against crime

Titles of subcommittees (SC)

SC 1 – «Legal protection of intellectual property»

SC 2 – «Technology of intellectual property commercialization»

SC 3 – «Protection against Counterfeit»

Number of order

PROTOCOL No. 51-2017 of the fifty-first anniversary meeting of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Baku, May 31)

Date of ITC creation

31 of May 2017

ITC Secretariat contacts:
Telephone: +7 (495) 369-40-08
18, Unnatov 127083, Moscow, Russia.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2012 ITC-550 - Republican Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property (RSRIIP). © RSRIP