Lopatin Vladimir Nikolaevich
(Vice-Chairman of RSRIIP Supervisory Board)
Date of birth: 1960
Education: Kurgan Air Force Political Academy (with gold medal), Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Director of RSRIIP, Doctor of Juridical Science (2000), State Justice Counselor of the Third Degree, Professor.
Civil service experience: People’s Deputy of the USSR (1989-1991), Incumbent first Deputy of the Chairman of the State Committee of the RSFSR for Defense Matters and cooperation of the USSR Ministry for Defense and the USSR Committee for State Security, Deputy of the Chairman of the State Committee of the RSFSR for Defense Matters (1990-1992); First Deputy chief executive of the Vologda Region (1993); Consultant of the State machinery of the Russian Federation Council (1994-1995); Deputy of the State Duma of the RF, member of the Security Council inter-departmental commission of the RF on information security (1995-1999); Senior advocate-depute of the RF — Authorized representative of Prosecutor-General in Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (2000-2001); leading research officer in the Institute of State and Law of RAS, Head of the Academic Centre of intellectual property appraisal (2000-2003); First Deputy Director for Science of RI of the Russian General Prosecutor?s Office (2001-2005).
Author of five conceptions on state construction and national security: defense reform (1989); reform of law-enforcement authorities (1997); lawmaking on information security (1998); basis of anti-corruption (2000); enforcement of intellectual property rights (2001). Author of 50 books and more than 300 researches.
Professor of UNESCO Chair of copyright and other branches of intellectual property law, professor of MSIIR of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the RF and S-Pb.SU of Ministry for Foreign Affairs («Data protection law» course).
He is awarded the order of «Commonwealth» and medaled for 8 times.