Key persons RSRIIP
Stepashin Sergey Vadimovich
Chairman of RSRIIP Supervisory Board, Doctor Of Law, Professor.
Aldoshin Sergey Mihailovich
Chairman of RSRIIP Supervisory Board, Vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Lopatin Vladimir Nikolaevich
Vice-Chairman of RSRIIP Supervisory Board, Scientific Director of the RSRIIP, Chairman of national and international technical committees for standardization "Intellectual property" (ITC550/TC481), the Chairman of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Intellectual Property, Chief Researcher of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, State Adviser of Justice of the 3rd class.
Zenin Ivan Aleksandrovich
The Chief of the Research Organisation on legal protection of Intellectual Property RSRIIP, the Emeritus Professor of MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov, Professor of the civil right department of the Faculty of Laws, MSU, the Doctor of Laws, Professor, the Patent Agent of the Russian Federation, a member of International Association of Intellectual Property (ATRIP, Geneva, Switzerland), the Arbitrator of International Commercial Arbitration Court at the RF CCI, the Chairman of the Arbitration Court of Intellectual Property at Corporation, RSRIIP.
Astanin Viktor Viktorovich
The Chief of scientific and research department of legislation and comparitive law of Intellectual Property RSRIIP, the Director of SRI- pro-rector of the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the Doctor of Laws (2009), Professor (2012).
He is the expert of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly on security. And is one of developers of a range of legal acts in the sphere of counteraction to corruption. For a long time he had been working in the bodies of Office of Public Prosecutor, and afterwards at the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
Golobkova Galina Mikhailovna
The Chief of the scientific and research department on audit, assessment and examination of Intellectual Property
RSRIIP, the Doctor of Laws, the Candidate of Technical Sciences. Professor, a member of the Council EMA of Russian
IHEs in the field of management, a full member of International Academy of Sciencies o f Ecology, Human and Nature Safety. She is the author of more than 200 publications on the issues of engineering cybernetics, strategic management, and production, international and innovation management, a Special economic zone, formation of the market of Intellectual Property and personnel training for the innovation economy. The Honourary worker of higher education.
Doroshkov Vladimir Vasilyevich
The Chief Research Scientist of RSRIIP, the Judge of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (he has the highest qualifications), since 2008 is the Secretary of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Professor of the criminal law and sciences of crime detection department of MGIMO MFA RF, Professor of the department at Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, the Doctor of Laws (2004), Professor (2011), the Correspo nding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, The Honoured Lawyer of the Russian Federation.
Sal`nikov Viktor Petrovich
The Chief Research Scientist of RSRIIP, the Vice-President of the Union of Lawyers of Russia (2000), the Vice- President of the Russian Academy of Jurisprudence, the Vice-President of the Academy of problems on security, defence and law order, a member of Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, a member of the Expert Advisory Board at the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Missile and Artillery Sciences, the Doctor of Laws, Professor, the Honoured Worker of Science of the Russian Federation (1998), the Honourary Worker of MOI.