In 2009 the Russian National Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property together with interested departments in Bulgaria will hold training and methodological seminars on intellectual property legal aspects and management in Bulgarian regions. The seminars will take place on the basis of the only industrial park in Bulgaria, one of which founders is NSRIIP.

Based on the results of these seminars the Russian Institute will issue certificates of qualification in the field of intellectual property to Bulgarian experts.

Moreover, scientists of the Institute together with colleagues from the NSRIIP Central European branch in Sofia have started adaptation of their unique teaching materials set (TMS) to the Bulgarian legislation so that make it possible to legally register intellectual property rights through so called «one window» way not only in Russia but also in the European Union countries. That is, for scientists and inventors instead of getting involved in unusual bureaucratic processes for a year, and even more, creators of a new intellectual product and their employers — universities and scientific research institutes - will now have to only fill in some necessary documents specified by the TMS to turn their ideas from information to intellectual property, in other words into a goods on the innovative economy market.


2012 RUSSIAN INSTITUTE WILL CERTIFY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY EXPERTS IN BULGARIA - Republican Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property (RSRIIP). © RSRIP